Sunday, July 31, 2005

Preparations Underway for Fall 2005

Members of the AYSO board have been hard at work this summer preparing for the upcoming soccer season. Division coordinators are in the process of recruiting coaches and sorting players into balanced teams.

There are some things that you can do to help in the next month:

1. If you haven't pre-registered on line yet, please do so. Follow the link from
2. If you have pre-registered on line but have not sent in the registration forms, please do so immediately. Your child is not registered until we receive the paper forms
3. If you want to coach or assistant coach, check out our coaching information page to see if you still need to fulfill any of the requirements. In short, they include the AYSO Volunteer form, Town of New Castle Background Check consent form, New Castle's required NYSCA certification, AYSO Safe Haven, and AYSO age appropriate coaching certification. If you have questions about any of this, please contact Coaching Administrator Scott Krase at
4. If you signed up to help with equipment bags or nets and goals, when you get an e mail from Volunteer Coordinator, Dennis Greenberg, please respond. If you are not sure what you signed up for, but want to help anyway, you can reach Dennis at

Thanks, and enjoy the rest of the Summer!

David Perlmutter