Thursday, November 09, 2006

The Final Fall Weekend

It's hard to believe that Chappaqua AYSO's Fall season is entering its final weekend. The season has gone extremely well, with only one total rainout weekend. Thanks to all of the volunteers - board members, coaches, parents, grandparents and siblings - and of course to the players, who have contributed to the season's success.

If you've taken any great pictures, or would like to share a coaching tip, soccer experience, or even your soccer haiku, please submit them to Paul Leibowitz at by November 20th for publication in the Fall 2006 edition of our newsletter, Sidelines.

After the games this weekend, we'll need your help to bring goals to their winter storage areas. Check with your coach, I'm sure he or she could use your help moving them.

I'm sure you'll be hearing from us over the winter months. In March, we'll have our annual indoor coed tournaments for 3 and 4th and 5th and 6th graders. In early April, we'll need your assistance to move goals back to the fields. We'll also be purchasing several new goals, so we'll need help assembling them.

The spring 2007 season will begin in the first half of April. We'll know more as soon as we get our field allocations from the Town.

Once again, thanks for another great season of Chappaqua AYSO!